HOWTO: Deploy and Configure the VMware NSX Manager Virtual Appliance - Part 2


Published on 16 July 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 302. Reading Time: 2 mins.


This is the second of three posts in which we look at how to deploy and configure the VMware NSX Manager.

The posts will cover the following topics:

  1. Deploying the VMware NSX Manager Appliance Appliance. ( HOWTO )
  2. Completing VMware NSX Manager Initial Configuration. (THIS POST)
  3. Integrating VMware NSX Manager into VMware vCenter. ( HOWTO )

VMware NSX Manager Initial Configuration

  1. Using a browser, navigate to the VMware NSX Manager Virtual Appliance (https://nsx-manager.fqdn).
  1. Enter admin as the User name and the Password (set during the installation above) then click Login.

Configure NTP Server Settings

  1. Click Manage Appliance Settings.
  1. At Time Settings, click Edit.
  1. Type each NTP Server (delimited by a comma), (optionally) select the Timezone from dropdown and click OK.
  1. Click Summary.
  1. Under the NSX Management Components sections, locate the NSX Management Service and click Stop.

Wait for the NSX Management Service to change to Stopped and then click Start.

Configure SYSLOG Server Settings

  1. Click Manage and then click General.
  1. At Syslog Server, click Edit.
  1. Type the address of the Syslog Server, the Port and select the Protocol from the dropdown.
  1. Click OK.

Configure SSL Certificates

  1. Click Manage and then click SSL Certificates.
  1. Click Generate CSR.
  1. Fill out the CSR with the Common Name, Organization Unit, Organization Name, Locality Name, State Name and select the appropriate Country Code from the drop down.
  1. Click OK.
  1. Click Download CSR, save the generated CSR and submit it to you Certificate Authority to create an SSL Certificate.

  1. Click Import.
  1. Click Choose File, locate the SSL Certificate Chain and click Open.
  1. Click Import.
  1. Click on the cog in the top right of the window and select Reboot Appliance.
  1. Click Yes.

Published on 16 July 2017 by Christopher Lewis. Words: 302. Reading Time: 2 mins.